Digital Assurance – making digital services better
Digital Assurance – making digital services better
Being an Assurance Manager means being at the heart of every digital activity in the department, learn more about the role.
Being an Assurance Manager means being at the heart of every digital activity in the department, learn more about the role.
BIS published it’s Digital Strategy in December setting out how it will redesign its services around the needs of users in order to be digital-by-default.
Colleagues from the Met Office visited BIS to share their experiences of social media and the benefits it brings when handling big news like Hurricane Katia.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs BIS I don't know about you, but I hate having to work too hard online. I expect to quickly find answers via search, or I browse my preferred social networks or forums for advice.
Recently I was at Google's London HQ in Soho for an event called Digital Citizen 2013 organised by the Government Communications Network (GCN).
Today we've just launched the first in our BIS Science and Innovation podcast series - 'From ginger genes to celebrating science marks'.
I really like the way my colleagues in the BIS press office are using!* to curate news coverage that relates to their Science, Research and Innovation desk.
The Land Registry has recently started helping their staff adopt plain English in anticipation of their move to GOV.UK.
James Devenish has joined the BIS digital team on secondment from the National Measurement Office. Here he gives his reflections on digital strategies and how organisations who have yet to write theirs might get started.
"Twitter, whatever you might think of it, is a massive newswire. Depending on who you’re following."
A round up of online coverage from websites and social media about the National Careers Service, launched 5 April