Making learning part of the job at BEIS Digital

A people and development manager talks about how we are making learning part of the job at BEIS Digital.
A people and development manager talks about how we are making learning part of the job at BEIS Digital.
Within BIS, we’ve been running a ‘senior Digital Advocate’ programme for almost 2 years. This initiative was originally introduced as one way of helping staff who felt (often wrongly), that senior staff weren’t supportive of online activity and engagement.
Digital communications is constantly changing. From the steady introduction of new tools flooding the marketplace to studies on how new technologies change the way users consume information, communications professionals must ensure they remain at the forefront of the field.
As a new member of BIS’s digital capability team, attending my first ‘Digital CapabiliTEA’ session was the perfect way to get to grips with how departments are approaching the issue of improving digital skills.
This was the third Digital Fortnight that we’ve run within BIS. This year, it was partly shaped by staff – around 300 helped us decide what type of sessions to include via a summer internet poll.
We’ve been reviewing our approach to building capability, reviewing our offering to staff, and aiming to set out a more strategic approach to building capability across the department.
...I’ve introduced a Facebook page recently too. Although these channels were already set up when I arrived, there was much more to be done to create a digital strategy –...
Liz has blogged before about our new digital buddy network. It’s a little less new since that post: we've got 30 people around the department to enthuse and help others wishing to take their first digital steps.
For the past 3 months, I've taken time out from my role in Enterprise Directorate comms to do a keep digital dive of my skills with the BIS digital team.
Starting a new job is always a troubling prospect. Especially when faced with doing that new job in a different city, let alone with a new team, new routine, new work area...