A digital health check

A few weeks ago, we decided to head off from BIS towers and learn what our colleagues in the Department of Health get up to digitally.
A few weeks ago, we decided to head off from BIS towers and learn what our colleagues in the Department of Health get up to digitally.
For the past 3 months, I've taken time out from my role in Enterprise Directorate comms to do a keep digital dive of my skills with the BIS digital team.
...Google, download his music on iTunes, watch his video's using YouTube all on your iPad (assuming you have one). The full capabilities of the iPad and more were unpacked as...
They say you should do one thing every day that scares you. Well, on CommsCamp day I did a thing that was massively scary for me. I stood up in front of a crowd of people and asked for help.
We've been offering digital lunch sessions for the past 12 months or so. They're very informal and usually involve someone in the team tapping up an interesting colleague or contact outside of government, to come and inspire us.
Notes from a data storytelling mini-conference by Rob Adey from the BIS Internal Communications team.
I love this case study from the Foreign Office, because it gets right to the heart of the challenge for digital: making practitioners of our leaders, and encouraging a more open way of working.
As one of the newest team members, it was particularly exciting to see BIS in action for the launch of the Small Business Commitment and Small Business Saturday.
Today sees the beginning of Digital Fortnight within BIS. And to make things more interesting it’s running from Wednesday to Wednesday.
Since we held our first digital lunch last month, we've held a few more, including Elizabeth Lumley from Finextra and Sian-Estelle Petty from Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.